bezymyanny-4Dear friends!

If You want to spend Your time with a great interest and fill yourself  with new knowledge from abroad, if You want to know what about discuss the best experts in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law, You should be here!

On November 18-19 2016 Ivano-Frankivsk University Of  Law Named After King Danylo Galytskyy in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia and the Embassy of Estonia to Ukraine hosts the International Science and Research Symposium “Humanization of Criminal Responsibility and Democratization of Criminal Justice”.

The aim of the symposium is the improvement of criminal and criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine in humanization of criminal responsibility and democratization of criminal proceedings on the basis of a comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and Estonia considering the European standards.

If You have a nagging doubt about Your  presence, just flip it immediately. This symposium is a place where you can take a big step towards self-development and add to your understanding of criminal law a sense of this branch.

There are a lot of topics to be considered. Each of them is incredibly interesting and has a lot of information that you have never heard. You will get direct answers to your questions without unnecessary deviations which are so used to.

This symposium is a rare bird in our university and in Ivano-Frankivsk in general. The results which will be obtained in the course of the event, are important for the improvement of criminal and criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine regarding humanization of criminal responsibility and democratization of criminal justice on the basis of comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and Estonia to meet European standards.

When will You have the opportunity to listen to people who come to You from abroad and want to talk with You? Don`t expect imaginary moments of your head. Now you have a real chance. So, just catch it and don`t miss this moment of improving yourself, communication with other intelligent people and  come to the Scientific Symposium.

We are waiting just for You!